- Avoid disturbing the metal abutment or surgery site, as well as spitting or rinsing for the prescribed period of time.
- While Dr. Jiries Mogannam and Dr. Vicente Chavez encourage you to keep hydrated and quickly return to a normal diet, avoid hot foods or drinks.
- Use a prescribed oral rinse or warm saltwater rinse (one teaspoon of salt per cup ratio) as directed.
- Gently brush your teeth and the surgery site.
- Remove prosthesis, such as dentures or flippers, for 10 days after the procedure.
- Keep activity to a minimum and stop if pain or bleeding occurs.
- Some bleeding is to be expected. You can bite down gently on a gauze pad for up to 30 minutes to help control the flow of blood.
- Swelling can be treated with ice or ice packs during the initial 36 hours.
- Pain can be treated with over-the-counter Ibuprofen or Tylenol or with medication prescribed by our dentists. Follow the dosage, especially with prescribed medication. Also follow prescribed dosage for antibiotics.
- If you experience excessive pain, swelling or bleeding, contact Petaluma Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center at 707-769-1414.

101 Lynch Creek Way Ste B, Petaluma, CA 94954